Develop faster, operate smart: A Kubernetes-native guide to AI application development

tl;dr A Kubernetes-native software engineering approach for the development of AI applications helps you increase developer productivity, optimize resource consumption as well as simplify operations. A hands-on demo of this approach can be seen here. Two-step development approach The usage of an AI/ML model in an application requires basically a two-step development approach. The first […]

Automated Application Packaging And Distribution with OpenShift – GitOps and ArgoCD – Part 4/4

Part 4/4 of the article series “Automated Application Packaging and Distribution with OpenShift – A guide through the jungle of modern development practices with Kubernetes”. This part explains GitOps and discusses an example with ArgoCD and Tekton.

Automated Application Packaging And Distribution with OpenShift – Tekton Pipelines – Part 3/4

Part 3 of the article series on automated application packaging and distribution. This time about integrating into Kubernetes Native Pipelines with OpenShift Pipelines (Tekton)