Bobbycar Part 1- Building a cloud-native IoT architecture with modern Red Hat technologies

Introduction In this article series we are going to build together a sample cloud-native IoT architecture, called Bobbycar, based on the Red Hat OpenShift Container platform and a lot of other relevant technologies. The first part of the series should provide you with the necessary background on IoT-, Edge- and Cloud Computing and also briefly […]

How to get rid of “It works on my machine!” with CodeReady Workspaces

How to get rid of “It works on my machine!” with CodeReady Workspaces

Telco goes Cloud. Really?

We are living in an area of digital transformation for many years now, driven by a continuously increasing pace of innovation and new disruptive business models. The speed to bring a new business idea as a digital service to the market is one of the key success factors, but it’s worth nothing when you are […]

Automated Application Packaging And Distribution with OpenShift – Helm Charts and Operators – Part 2/4

Part two of the article series. This time about Helm Charts, Operators and various CLI tools to work with container images.

How to install SAP Data Intelligence on Red Hat OpenShift

In case you want to test-drive SAP Data Intelligence (SDI), here is what you can do to get a quick setup on an existing OpenShift Cluster. If you do not know what SAP data intelligence is, I recommend reading this article: What is SAP Data Intelligence Prerequisites To install SAP Data Intelligence (SDI) you need […]

Backup and Recovery with OpenShift APIs for Data Protection (OADP)

Note: An updated version of this post is available. Introduction The well-known phrase “Data is the new oil”, which was coined by Clive Humby many years ago holds true to this day. If that is the case, it should be one of the top priorities for companies to protect their data – including data that […]

Automated Application Packaging and Distribution With OpenShift – Basic Development Principles – Part 1/4

Part 1/4 discusses basic development principles with Kubernetes and gets deeper into Kustomize and OpenShift Templates.

From Enterprise Architecture as a Strategy to Business Infrastructure as a Platform – Part II of II

It is still about you: 
We want to expand our view from the discussed question in Part I on:
How you can ensure that you establish a good, long term strategy for your business
how to build a solid foundation that matches your individual business model, providing just the right level of standardisation & Freedom in implementing business processes and IT.

Now, In part II We’ll Extend and finalise the framework, that intends to help you how a Business-IT Platform could look like with focus to to adjust your individual investments in that area to the optimal level.

Sneak peek into Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA)

Introduction Back in May of 2020, Red Hat and Amazon Web Services announced a jointly supported, fully managed Red Hat OpenShift offering that is natively integrated into AWS. Since the announcement in November of 2020, customers had the opportunity to get their hands on the preview version of Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA). […]

Cloud Native AppDev without Tears – Using odo to Boost your Workflow

Traditionally application development and deployment across environments has been very tedious and error prone. For example in the Java world you would work with different packaging formats such as ears, wars and jars each with environment specific configuration usually dispersed all over the place. Then your app might behave differently on each operating system due […]