Kubernetes Native Development

Abstract of our book about how to develop, build, deploy, and run applications on Kubernetes In March 2021, we both embarked on a thrilling journey by writing a book on “Kubernetes Native Development – Develop, Build, Deploy, and Run Applications on Kubernetes”. The book covers a topic that is especially relevant for everyone that decided […]

Cardboard OpenShift cluster

Although OpenShift becomes more and more known, there still are quite some people who are not fully aware about OpenShift and how it works. In addition to the common methods of presentations (“slides on beamers”), there are always opportunities to make software or processes in software more visible and tangible. So we show a slide, […]

The importance of getting resource requests and limits right.

Problem Summary At the start of spring 2022, I was asked to assist in untangling a very escalated set of related cases with one of our customers. Their cluster had been experiencing stability issues over a period of several months. Initial analyses by support seemed to suggest resource problems, in particular insufficient memory. There were […]

Using OpenTracing and Jaeger with Your Own Services/Application

In this blog I will guide you on How to use OpenTracing with a Quarkus application. How to display your OpenTracing information on Jaeger UI. In this blog I will use distributed tracing to instrument my services to gather insights into my service architecture. I am using distributed tracing for monitoring, network profiling, and troubleshooting […]

Quantum Computing – How to start and how to say “Hello World!”

Introduction In my previous post on Open Source and Quantum Computing Quantum Computing: Open Source from the Start we learned about Quantum Computing in general and how Open Source is used to provide access to this new computing paradigm. This post will now focus on how to get started and provide a very easy guide […]

Using OpenTelemetry and Jaeger with Your Own Services/Application

In this blog I will guide you on How to use OpenTelemetry with a Quarkus application. How to display your OpenTeleemtry information on Jaeger UI. In this blog I will use distributed tracing to instrument my services to gather insights into my service architecture. I am using distributed tracing for monitoring, network profiling, and troubleshooting […]

Red Hat Advanced Cluster Security with OpenShift Pipelines and Slack Integration

Summary This article describes the installation of Red Hat Advanced Cluster Security (RHACS) using the Operator. It also covers the integration of Tekton Pipelines for the deployment of two different containers and the configuration of a Slack notification. A special feature here is that the installation and configuration is largely automated by scripts and can […]

Security aspects with OpenShift – an overview

Today more than ever availability and performance depend on resilience against increasingly frequent and powerful attacks on the confidentiality, availability and integrity of information and IT systems. It is not just that our systems are being threatened with continuous automated attacks, but also with highly sophisticated approaches, such as Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs), Ransomware, Side […]

“Oops, something is wrong with your GitOps application!”

GitOps – Operations by Pull Request GitOps, a natural evolution of the DevOps practice, has gained popularity ever since it was introduced by Weaveworks in 2017. The core idea of GitOps is to treat “everything” as code. What does it mean? You will need to describe the desired state of your system declaratively as code, […]

OpenShift absichern für die Gesundheitsbranche

For english content please see the blog post by Chris Jenkins at  https://www.redhat.com/en/blog/openshift-security-hardening-healthcare-industry which essentially presents the same information as this post. Because of the importance of the topic and the ask from our german-language customers we wanted to also present this information in german. “Security is not a product, it itself is a process” […]