As ancient Greek philosopher Heraclitus once said, the only constant in life is change. And it accurately applies to language as well. The spectacle of language change can be observed from two perspectives: synchronous (different language versions going hand-in-hand at the same time) and asynchronous (how language evolves across decades, centuries or millennia). And, taking […]
Tag: #JavaScript
As a person with years of academic experience as a linguist and deep love for learning languages, I’ve been pretty much used to discovering all the intricacies of different language systems and comparing them with each other. However, even when I developed an enthusiasm for programming, I still treated natural and programming languages as two […]
Quarkus is a fantastic Java runtime environment and framework. Read this article to learn how easy it is to use Quarkus to create the server part of a multi player game (with a JavaScript client, running in a browser). Learn how to easily integrate Apache Kafka, WebSockets, a database, Qute templating for reporting etc. This is part TWO of a multi part article series.
Quarkus is a fantastic Java runtime environment and framework. Read this article to learn how easy it is to use Quarkus to create the server part of a multi player game (with a JavaScript client, running in a browser). Learn how to easily integrate Apache Kafka, WebSockets, a database, Qute templating for reporting etc. This is part ONE of a multi part article series.