Container images, multi-architecture, manifests, ids, digests – what’s behind?

Many of us use container images from day to day, maybe also in many various architectures. For example on your Raspberry PI (aarch64), do you really know how it works in detail? I have worked with container images more or less since 2015 but during an OpenShift 4 air-gapped installation and mirroring of images into […]

How to accelerate your cloud-native AppDev with knative Java and OpenShift

Quarkus is the bright new star in the cloud-native App Dev universe! Quarkus is Red Hat’s upstream stack for Kubernetes native Java. Its characteristics are simple: Quarkus is small! Quarkus is fast! Quarkus is familiar! … and Quarkus makes Java relevant again in the cloud-native world where everyone talks about lightweight architectures, event-driven paradigms, container […]