Using OpenTelemetry and Grafana Tempo with Your Own Services/Application

By Robert Baumgartner, Red Hat Austria, March 2023 (OpenShift 4.12, OpenShift distributed tracing data collection 0.63) In this blog, I will guide you on how to use OpenTelemetry with a Quarkus application; how to forward your OpenTelemetry information to Tempo and display it in Grafana UI. I will use distributed tracing to instrument my services […]

Kubernetes: How a Rejected Internal Project Became a Global Standard

San Francisco, June 9-10, 2014. In the halls of the Marriott Marquis hotel, the first DockerCon is held. “Containers everywhere!” is printed on the back of event T-shirts. The first big news of DockerCon is the launch of Docker 1.0, but there is much more to come. It is the beginning of what is later […]

Approaching the Kubernetes Bridge – Multi-container Apps with Rootless Podman

In the year 2023 we celebrate the 10th anniversary of Docker and the 9th anniversary of Kubernetes. Container technology has now become mainstream. But recent advances in the Podman ecosystem prove that innovation in the container world is still happening at a strong pace. Podman 4 was released in February 2022 and brought considerable improvements […]

Securing the integrity of Software Supply Chains

Overview How can we secure the integrity of our Software Supply Chains and have confidence that our software has not been tampered with and can be traced to its source? Which are the main parts of the software supply chain security? Before explaining how to secure the Software Supply Chain, we need first to understand […]

Develop: The Inner Loop with OpenShift Dev Spaces (2/4)

In Part II of our 4-part blog series “You’ve written a Kubernetes-native Application? Here is how OpenShift helps you to run, develop, build and deliver it”, we will focus on the aspect of developing our application with and directly on OpenShift. In Part I, we’ve introduced our sample application “the Local News Application”, and showed […]

OpenShift Local or Single Node OpenShift

Are you a developer or just a curious individual who wants to dip their toes in the Cloud, but are not sure whether to go for OpenShift Local or Single Node OpenShift? You’ve come to the right place. In this article, I will explore the differences and similarities between these two variants of OpenShift, so […]

You’ve written a Kubernetes-native Application? Here is how OpenShift helps you to run, develop, build and deliver it – securely! (1/4)

This blog kicks off a series of 4 blog articles. They will all be available here, as soon as they get published. Run: Get your Angular, Python or Java Dockerfile ready with Red Hat’s Universal Base Image and deploy with Helm on OpenShift Develop: The Inner Loop with OpenShift Dev Spaces Build: From upstream Tekton […]

Cardboard OpenShift cluster

Although OpenShift becomes more and more known, there still are quite some people who are not fully aware about OpenShift and how it works. In addition to the common methods of presentations (“slides on beamers”), there are always opportunities to make software or processes in software more visible and tangible. So we show a slide, […]

The importance of getting resource requests and limits right.

Problem Summary At the start of spring 2022, I was asked to assist in untangling a very escalated set of related cases with one of our customers. Their cluster had been experiencing stability issues over a period of several months. Initial analyses by support seemed to suggest resource problems, in particular insufficient memory. There were […]

Using OpenTracing and Jaeger with Your Own Services/Application

In this blog I will guide you on How to use OpenTracing with a Quarkus application. How to display your OpenTracing information on Jaeger UI. In this blog I will use distributed tracing to instrument my services to gather insights into my service architecture. I am using distributed tracing for monitoring, network profiling, and troubleshooting […]