Confidentiality in a crazy world

This blog takes a log of the current state and the future of confidential computing and how it will change our perception of secure computing. Executive summary As like the opening image, companies rightfully guard their secrets like a 3 headed dog. Especially when it comes to implementing regulatory requirements. They not only fear the […]

As time passes, our IT World is continuously changing…

10 years ago companies were desperately trying to implement new technologies to manage and operate their virtual machines.  They do so with some kind of “Multi Cloud Management Software” or with a managed tool from a hypervisor of their choice at the time being, like vCenter from VMware. There was also a nice software in […]

Bobbycar Part 1- Building a cloud-native IoT architecture with modern Red Hat technologies

Introduction In this article series we are going to build together a sample cloud-native IoT architecture, called Bobbycar, based on the Red Hat OpenShift Container platform and a lot of other relevant technologies. The first part of the series should provide you with the necessary background on IoT-, Edge- and Cloud Computing and also briefly […]

Now let’s face it, what the heck is OpenStack and where might it be useful?

My name is Wolfgang, I’ve been with Red Hat since 2019 and I started with IT in 2001 only to experience, just 2 years later, that we can use ONE physical server to deploy MANY Operating Systems! At that time we deployed our very first VMware vSphere cluster at a timber merchant in Trier, a […]

10 years of Cloud Computing in a nutshell

In two weeks time I will be with Red Hat for already 8 years. Even before joining Red Hat, I have been deeply involved in all things cloud at Sun Microsystems for many years. So I thought, now might be a good time to reflect on what has been happening in Cloud Computing in the […]