10 years ago companies were desperately trying to implement new technologies to manage and operate their virtual machines. They do so with some kind of “Multi Cloud Management Software” or with a managed tool from a hypervisor of their choice at the time being, like vCenter from VMware. There was also a nice software in […]
Sometimes things happen, and then you need to jump in. You might have deducted from a couple of our posts in the past, mainly around Year-End, that we have a couple of Chief-Editors for this weekly publication. And as there also sometimes someone needs to be the Chief of the Chiefs, we decided, that I […]
The Fallacies of Distributed Computing Many years ago we moved away from monolithic applications and started to develop our app as a network of smaller services, the microservice architecture. This brought many advantages and we finally had fun again developing large business applications. But we were also being introduced to the Fallacies of Distributed Computing […]
The current situation At the moment 2 focus areas prevail in the IT industry. Flexibility In the age of ever-changing customer preferences, flexibility is an important asset. It is about providing customers with new opportunities to realize their goals. And to provide ease of use, ease of integration with existing processes and systems while doing […]
Introduction This article is a step by step example, how to develop, build and deploy a cloud native application with its infrastructure components. This cloud native application uses OpenShift as the underlying application platform with following features: The use case is a feedback form, where users can give their feedback. The repositories for this application […]
In the year 2023 we celebrate the 10th anniversary of Docker and the 9th anniversary of Kubernetes. Container technology has now become mainstream. But recent advances in the Podman ecosystem prove that innovation in the container world is still happening at a strong pace. Podman 4 was released in February 2022 and brought considerable improvements […]
A quick tour of how a Kubernetes Management Platform like Red Hat OpenShift can help to ease developers day to day work and ensure security at the same time
OpenSourcerers 2022 is a wrap! It was packed with interesting articles covering a wide range of topics. There are 52 articles available covering high level topics down to the dirty technical details of using Red Hat’s products and other OpenSource technologies. Your Opensourcerers blog editors followed along of course! As we come from varying backgrounds […]
Quarkus is a fantastic Java runtime environment and framework. Read this article to learn how easy it is to use Quarkus to create the server part of a multi player game (with a JavaScript client, running in a browser). Learn how to easily integrate Apache Kafka, WebSockets, a database, Qute templating for reporting etc. This is part TWO of a multi part article series.
On a rainy Thursday evening, I was looking at a lemon tree and the lengthy URL of an application that I deployed some time ago on my OpenShift cluster. And I was wondering how I can make it shorter and human readable. Creating an edge route with a custom certificate is rather simple [1]. However, […]