How to achieve a sound & compelling governance handling change requests, incidents and problem tickets in a DevSecOps scenario – based on authors’ field experience with end to end automation.
Category: 00 – IT Automation & Management
We wish all a happy and successful New Year!
You might have guessed it: I’m an old IT guy. I grew up, when x86 was still the 8086 processor (and the TLA (Three Letter Acronym) “x86” hadn’t even been invented to describe the basis for a whole industry), so the topic of this article might seem a bit “far fetched” or reversely “state of […]
Surely, if you have a challenge (faster release, becoming more agile, scalability, …) coming up in the next few years for your application development and deployment, you have heard that containerizing your applications on OpenShift will be the answer. And down the road, when your infrastructure & internal processes have evolved enough, and when legal […]
Our experiences preparing for a demo at Ansiblefest 2021 Speakers: Karoly “Charlie” Vegh and Robert “Bob” BaumgartnerSupported by: Chris Jung, Phil Griffith, Eric Lavarde, Elle Lathram Introduction and Purpose AnsibleFest is always pretty cool, all new announcements, live demos, roundtable discussions, etc. Bob, being the Kubernetes/Container Architect and my humble self being more a Linux […]
Overview I’ve been to a training site [1]. When closing the toilette door music started. This is completely unnecessary, but i liked the idea. More over i found it very relaxing, which fits to the sense of the word “rest room”. Since then i pushed to have the same functionality in my home. During refurbishment […]
As Kubernetes gets more and more adopted, the need for tools to manage diverse and widespread installations grows. Red Hat’s answer to that challenge is Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes (RHACM). This article is the continuation of my first article on policies in RHACM, which can be found here: Now I want to […]
loose coupling to surrounding services to have more flexibility in the actual move of applications. Containerize your applications to have them more portable. Switch your test data as much as possible to synthetic data to have less legal and security hurdles. Standardize and automated your testing approach to have better verification possibilities. Beside that automated QA will be one of the major drivers in your business case.
As Kubernetes gets more and more adopted, the need for tools to manage diverse and widespread installations grows. Red Hat’s answer to that challenge is Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes (RHACM). Its range of features is divided into four main areas, which can also easily be seen in its UI (Note: The Screenshots […]
How we came here Everyday we get in touch with the hottest trends in IT, try out thrilling (new) Open Source projects, and hear from our customers about the business perspective on technology. This has been happening for years now. We realized that all this knowledge and experience was more or less distributed across our […]