OpenShift on Raspberry Pi 4?

Almost! We run MicroShift on a Raspberry Pi4. MicroShift is an experimental flavour of OpenShift/Kubernetes optimized for the device edge. It targets the niche between minimal, standalone Linux edge devices and full-fledged OpenShift/Kubernetes edge clusters. You can find more details about MicroShift at  MicroShift is a research project being worked on upstream in the […]

Kubernetes is a Platform for building Platforms

Kelsey Hightower stated already in 2017, that Kubernetes is not a Platform by itself, but rather a better way to start to build a platform. But what does that really mean? From my point of view, this means that Kubernetes is a platform that provides a core abstraction- and Service  layer for cloud-native applications to […]

10 lessons learned while automating elementary container deployment tasks on Linux

Our experiences preparing for a demo at Ansiblefest 2021 Speakers: Karoly “Charlie” Vegh and Robert “Bob” BaumgartnerSupported by: Chris Jung, Phil Griffith, Eric Lavarde, Elle Lathram Introduction and Purpose AnsibleFest is always pretty cool, all new announcements, live demos, roundtable discussions, etc. Bob, being the Kubernetes/Container Architect and my humble self being more a Linux […]

Demystifying Kubernetes Adoption

Adopting Kubernetes in an Enterprise is a daunting task. In this series of articles I am trying to give you an opinionated view on what you might need to consider when you are in the middle of rolling out Kubernetes within your organisation. Whether you are a developer or an IT operator, I am trying […]

Container Days 2021 – Hamburg

Finally, the time has come. The first personal event after Corona. The Container Days 2021 were just around the corner. Right on time for the start of the event, the location presented itself from its best side. It was rainy. At the latest now it was clear: I’m in the north of Germany, on the […]

RHACM and Policies – More Details

As Kubernetes gets more and more adopted, the need for tools to manage diverse and widespread installations grows. Red Hat’s answer to that challenge is Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes (RHACM). This article is the continuation of my first article on policies in RHACM, which can be found here:  Now I want to […]

How to accelerate your journey to cloud

loose coupling to surrounding services to have more flexibility in the actual move of applications. Containerize your applications to have them more portable. Switch your test data as much as possible to synthetic data to have less legal and security hurdles. Standardize and automated your testing approach to have better verification possibilities. Beside that automated QA will be one of the major drivers in your business case.

RHACM and Policies – An Introduction

As Kubernetes gets more and more adopted, the need for tools to manage diverse and widespread installations grows. Red Hat’s answer to that challenge is Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes (RHACM). Its range of features is divided into four main areas, which can also easily be seen in its UI (Note: The Screenshots […]

A Primer on Digital Sovereignty & Open Source

Part I of II – Exploring the Digital Sovereignty narrative Motivation and authority on the matter  For 3 decades I have been into Enterprise IT, designing, implementing and maintaining solutions at various layers of the “Digital Stack”. I did so always with a full life cycle perspective in mind and have lived and learned through […]

Many roads lead to RHEL 8 – Part 2

Photo by NASA on Unsplash In the first part of the article “Many roads lead to RHEL” we were discussing the possibility of doing an in-place Upgrade instead of redeploying a new RHEL machine when switching to a new major version of RHEL. We also touched on the reasons why it does make sense to […]