Cardboard OpenShift cluster

Although OpenShift becomes more and more known, there still are quite some people who are not fully aware about OpenShift and how it works. In addition to the common methods of presentations (“slides on beamers”), there are always opportunities to make software or processes in software more visible and tangible. So we show a slide, […]

Why test automation won’t work without infrastructure automation

The article shows the different benefits of an automated testing approach and why the full benefit can only unleashed by using infrastructure automation.

The importance of getting resource requests and limits right.

Problem Summary At the start of spring 2022, I was asked to assist in untangling a very escalated set of related cases with one of our customers. Their cluster had been experiencing stability issues over a period of several months. Initial analyses by support seemed to suggest resource problems, in particular insufficient memory. There were […]

Red Hat Summit 2022: Editor’s Picks

Red Hat Summit 2022 is a wrap! It was packed with interesting sessions covering a wide range of topics. Most sessions are available after a quick registration for on-demand viewing until December 2022 here: There are 101 on-demand sessions available covering high level topics down to the dirty technical details of using Red Hat’s […]

History of Cloud

Lately I have been giving a keynote at the Vogel-IT yearly Cloud Computing eXchange conference CCX on the history of clouds and the lessons we learned in looking at that history. The conference was held virtually this year on the Star Wars day, May 4th, 2022: As the conference language was German, I want […]

Red Hat Advanced Cluster Security with OpenShift Pipelines and Slack Integration

Summary This article describes the installation of Red Hat Advanced Cluster Security (RHACS) using the Operator. It also covers the integration of Tekton Pipelines for the deployment of two different containers and the configuration of a Slack notification. A special feature here is that the installation and configuration is largely automated by scripts and can […]

OpenShift absichern für die Gesundheitsbranche

For english content please see the blog post by Chris Jenkins at which essentially presents the same information as this post. Because of the importance of the topic and the ask from our german-language customers we wanted to also present this information in german. “Security is not a product, it itself is a process” […]

What on earth is KCP and why should I be very, very excited about it?

When people ask me what I do for a living I give up trying to explain what it is and just say ‘software’, at which point their eyes glaze over and the conversation shifts to weather, which politician has done what insanely hypocritical thing and whose round it is. And the reason I find it […]

How to ensure that your bucket access is given on multiple locations via replication?

Introduction Data is the most significant asset in today’s businesses and data services focus on infrastructure and application needs. For this reason, I would like to talk about the current possibilities regarding data distribution from an object storage bucket in OpenShift Data Foundation (ODF). ODF is not a new product from Red Hat, but in […]

Getting started with OpenShift ServiceMesh Federation

Introduction When you are serious about running a microservice architecture at scale, you will definitely run into some challenges at some point.  Beside all the benefits microservices deliver, they’ll also add a layer of complexity and have all the associated complexities of a distributed system.  And as the number of services scales, it becomes increasingly […]