Configuring custom domains for applications – the operator-way!

On a rainy Thursday evening, I was looking at a lemon tree and the lengthy URL of an application that I deployed some time ago on my OpenShift cluster. And I was wondering how I can make it shorter and human readable. Creating an edge route with a custom certificate is rather simple [1]. However, […]

Securing the integrity of Software Supply Chains

Overview How can we secure the integrity of our Software Supply Chains and have confidence that our software has not been tampered with and can be traced to its source? Which are the main parts of the software supply chain security? Before explaining how to secure the Software Supply Chain, we need first to understand […]

How to install OpenShift Data Foundation (ODF) 4.11 in a disconnected or air-gapped VMware cluster

Estimated reading time: 8 minutes Motivation Red Hat OpenShift Data Foundation (ODF), previously Red Hat OpenShift Container Storage, is a software-defined persistent storage solution for OpenShift Container Platform (OCP) workloads. In this article you’ll learn how to deploy OpenShift Data Foundation using local storage devices on a disconnected VMware cluster. An air-gapped or disconnected network […]

The OnPremise Datacenter is dead! Or isn’t it?

When I talk to colleagues, partners and customers in this age there are not a few who say that their company is going “all in” into the cloud. Faster, cheaper, more dynamic. It is just better. Migration to the cloud will take some time but they have started the process and it looks “good”. But […]

Rise of the Superclouds

It is widely accepted that using a hybrid- and multi-cloud approach is needed to increase flexibility and reduce the dependency on any single vendor. However, most organizations struggle to operate effectively across clouds, with environments often being disconnected silos with varying primitives, APIs, and management tools. Thus, moving workloads and data between clouds, and implementing […]

Why test automation won’t work without infrastructure automation – Part II

The article shows code examples for two parts, how Ansible supports the ramp-up of a Selenium hub as well as you can test your automated testing infrastructure using Molecule

The datacenter of the future

When I try to look into the future, what would I see for a datacenter? What are the requirements the data centers need to comply with? What can a solution look like? In the coming text I will try to give answers to those questions. Executive summary In the coming years the usage of services […]

Escaping the Moving Target Platform Dilemma

tl;dr To ensure application consistency for distributed (multi hybrid) cloud environments, streamline your target platform from the bottom up. This helps you dealing with the Moving Target Platform Dilemma (MTPD). As mentioned in the previous article, using the SaaS Kubernetes (K8s) offerings from cloud providers (such as EKS, AKS, GKS) causes your application services to […]

You’ve written a Kubernetes-native Application? Here is how OpenShift helps you to run, develop, build and deliver it – securely! (1/4)

This blog kicks off a series of 4 blog articles. They will all be available here, as soon as they get published. Run: Get your Angular, Python or Java Dockerfile ready with Red Hat’s Universal Base Image and deploy with Helm on OpenShift Develop: The Inner Loop with OpenShift Dev Spaces Build: From upstream Tekton […]

The Moving Target Platform Dilemma

tl;dr You want to gain flexibility by leveraging the K8s offerings from multiple hyperscalers (“cloud providers”) for your application. You gain a bunch of inflexibility by assuring your application behaves equally on all these K8s target platforms. I remember the days as a Java developer when we had to ensure our applications (quite often pre-Spring […]