Patterns – A Path Towards Hybrid Cloud

ˈpætɚns Probably almost every time we are starting to understand and to solve a general problem, we will ask ourselves, am I the first one who is facing that problem, or have there been others who in the end either failed or succeeded. This is particularly true, if I am highly uncertain whether my own […]

Cold Disaster Recovery for Kubernetes applications

Introduction Since my last exploration of the topic in mid-2021, there have been significant advancements in cold disaster recovery for applications on Kubernetes. Since then, there have been remarkable improvements in both the technical aspects and the user experience of cold disaster recovery. Notably, the Kubernetes operator that manages the technical infrastructure for cold disaster […]

The Operator Update Information Checker

By Robert Baumgartner, Red Hat Austria, March 2023 Summary Recently Red Hat has released a tool at the Customer Portal Labs that can give very detailed information about Operators and available updates, supported versions, and much more. The name of this tool is Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform Operator Update Information Checker Where to find […]

Using OSTree Native Containers as Node Base Images

Node Base Images are OCI container images that are used to deliver software updates and customizations to rpm-ostree based Linux systems running on bare metal and virtual machines, such as Fedora CoreOS, Fedora IoT, Fedora Silverblue, CentOS Stream CoreOS, RHEL CoreOS, and RHEL for Edge. Node Base Images are built with OSTree Native Containers. While application […]

Kubernetes: How a Rejected Internal Project Became a Global Standard

San Francisco, June 9-10, 2014. In the halls of the Marriott Marquis hotel, the first DockerCon is held. “Containers everywhere!” is printed on the back of event T-shirts. The first big news of DockerCon is the launch of Docker 1.0, but there is much more to come. It is the beginning of what is later […]

As time passes, our IT World is continuously changing…

10 years ago companies were desperately trying to implement new technologies to manage and operate their virtual machines.  They do so with some kind of “Multi Cloud Management Software” or with a managed tool from a hypervisor of their choice at the time being, like vCenter from VMware. There was also a nice software in […]

The pleasures of being the Chief-Chief-Editor

Sometimes things happen, and then you need to jump in. You might have deducted from a couple of our posts in the past, mainly around Year-End, that we have a couple of Chief-Editors for this weekly publication. And as there also sometimes someone needs to be the Chief of the Chiefs, we decided, that I […]

A little bit of security is what I want

A quick tour of how a Kubernetes Management Platform like Red Hat OpenShift can help to ease developers day to day work and ensure security at the same time

Review of 2022

OpenSourcerers 2022 is a wrap! It was packed with interesting articles covering a wide range of topics. There are 52 articles available covering high level topics down to the dirty technical details of using Red Hat’s products and other OpenSource technologies. Your Opensourcerers blog editors followed along of course! As we come from varying backgrounds […]

Configuring custom domains for applications – the operator-way!

On a rainy Thursday evening, I was looking at a lemon tree and the lengthy URL of an application that I deployed some time ago on my OpenShift cluster. And I was wondering how I can make it shorter and human readable. Creating an edge route with a custom certificate is rather simple [1]. However, […]