Axel Saß

Finished my university degree of business administration in Kiel, Germany. Then moved on to working as Consultant for mainframe development strategy and Tools, on to IBM in Presales for 16 years. Different roles there at the end IT Architect mainly working with Financial Institutions. Then moved on to my current Jobrole at Red Hat as Enterprise Architect, Chief Architect for FSI Germany.

Securing the Core: Advancing Datacenter Security with Confidential Computing

In the last several months we have seen security concerns are raised more and more. Volatility has become the new curse word. Companies are refocusing their efforts to an on premise data center. See here how confidential computing can help to implement and use case based usage of the public cloud with confidential computing as […]

The on-premise data center is back. Or better: It was never gone

More and more companies reevaluate their presence in the cloud and the on-premise data center. And some who pledged to move most of it or even all of it into the cloud have seen that it is not one or the other it is a mixture of both. To read up on why I think […]

Confidential Computing in Action

In this blog entry it is explained what confidential computing is and how it works. Have a look at this to find out more. We now know how it works. But now we are looking into the use cases of Confidential Computing I have seen so far. The basic principle Confidential Computing revolves around […]

Confidentiality in a crazy world

This blog takes a log of the current state and the future of confidential computing and how it will change our perception of secure computing. Executive summary As like the opening image, companies rightfully guard their secrets like a 3 headed dog. Especially when it comes to implementing regulatory requirements. They not only fear the […]

Software Supply Chain Security

What is Software Supply Chain Security ? In this day and age most of us are looking for trust and security. This is also true for our IT infrastructure as challenges from the outside grow more and more dangerous to the continuation of undisturbed business. Attacks on the IT infrastructure of companies not only rise […]

Welcome to the Age of Automation

The current situation At the moment 2 focus areas prevail in the IT industry. Flexibility In the age of ever-changing customer preferences, flexibility is an important asset. It is about providing customers with new opportunities to realize their goals. And to provide ease of use, ease of integration with existing processes and systems while doing […]

The OnPremise Datacenter is dead! Or isn’t it?

When I talk to colleagues, partners and customers in this age there are not a few who say that their company is going “all in” into the cloud. Faster, cheaper, more dynamic. It is just better. Migration to the cloud will take some time but they have started the process and it looks “good”. But […]

The datacenter of the future

When I try to look into the future, what would I see for a datacenter? What are the requirements the data centers need to comply with? What can a solution look like? In the coming text I will try to give answers to those questions. Executive summary In the coming years the usage of services […]

Die Versicherung im Jahre 2030

Im folgenden Blog werde ich untersuchen, wie sich die Versicherungsbranche in den kommenden Jahren bis 2030 entwickeln könnte. Einige der Themen werden sich meiner Meinung nach ähnlich wie in der Bankenbranche entwickeln. Schauen Sie sich also bitte diesen Blogeintrag an: ( Executive Summary Die Wahl eines Geschäftsmodells für Versicherungen ist in den nächsten Jahren genauso […]

Insurance 2030: The search for revenue

In the following text I am going to look at how the Insurance Industry might develop in the coming years until 2030. Some of the topics, I think, will develop in the same way as it would for the banking industry. So please have a look at this blog entry. Executive Summary Choosing a business […]