Container Days 2021 – Hamburg

October 18, 2021

Finally, the time has come. The first personal event after Corona. The Container Days 2021 were just around the corner. Right on time for the start of the event, the location presented itself from its best side. It was rainy. At the latest now it was clear: I’m in the north of Germany, on the Elbe river, in Hamburg.

Once we arrived at the location, however, we could discover the beauty of Hamburg’s harbor. Between warehouses and cranes, there were two locations to listen to exciting lectures for two days.

One lecture that inspired me was “What is an operator? How to use, build and ship it!”. Robert Bohne explained what operators are and how to develop them in a way that everyone could understand.

An other talk I remember with pleasure was “Openshift in a Disconnected/IPv6 world”. Juan Manuel Parrilla Madrid and Mario Vasquez presented how to deal with an Open Shift deployment in a disconnected/IPv6 scenario. The two Red Hatters know this topic very well and gave me a very good and deep impression of this use case. 

On the second day, another highlight of my personal Container Days followed: “Into the Core of Kubernetes: The Internals of ETCD” by Michael Gasch. This talk opened my eyes once again to how incredibly important the internal patterns of the entire Kubernetes philosophy are and how strong their impact is on all systems built on top of them.

Of course, we can’t hide the fact that Corona also had an impact on this year’s Container Days. Not as many people were able to attend on-site as in previous years. But here, too, the sensible use of modern open source technologies made it possible for all interested people to participate, albeit virtually. If you are interested in reviewing all the great talks, please visit the Youtube Channel. Apart from a few technical difficulties, both participants and speakers were able to take part virtually.

This event showed me personally how important it is and how much fun it is to talk to different people about all the topics that inspire us every day. Containerisation, Kubernetes, software, and our greatest asset: open source.

Finally, a personal note: All those who were there will probably remember very well the great curry smell that accompanied us for the two days from the warehouses at Hamburg harbour.