based quiz built on Red Hat Mobile Application Platform

June 21, 2017


When I was first approached to create an application for an event involving an interactive quiz I immediately got excited because it sounded both cool and challenging.

The idea evolved to a hybrid app were attendees to the event could see the agenda of an event and participate in an interactive quiz.

After the scoping session I had a pretty clear idea, we would need:

  • A client app (hybrid both because of the timeframe 1 week maximum and also because the UI didn’t seem to exigent)
  • A dashboard web app to show the quiz results live and historic data,
  • Some short of repository for the event agenda, quiz definition, etc.
  • A user repository and user/pass authentication
  • An interactive protocol to deal with quiz questions and answers
  • And a place to run these apps API: so far including some REST APIs, getting the events for the current date, getting the quiz questions, storing attendees answers, etc.

All in one week… nice!.

At least I had a couple of secret weapons, I had access to a Red Hat Mobile Application Platform environment (RHMAP for short) and a lot of enthusiasm.

At the end of this article you’ll be able to understand how to integrate RHMAP with, how to use properly RHMAP Javascript SDK in an angular 2+ application and how to setup custom authentication for your apps.

If you have some experience with RHMAP you’ll also be able to get the whole project up and running in no time, but in order to make it easier for all the rest I’ll write a second part where I’ll explain all the details to import the assets in your own environment.


  • This is just a sample mobile project meant to show how easy it is to develop mobile and web apps using, angular 2+ and Ionic 2 within Red Hat Mobile Application Platform
  • Some minimum knowledge of RHMAP, Ionic and Angular is needed in order to understand the content that follows

Selecting technology

Regarding the client app I was clear, Ionic 2, cleaner code (thanks to Angular 2 and Typescript) and I had been using Ionic 1 for quite some time successfully on RHMAP. What could go wrong?

Some sort of interactive protocol… hmmm, that sounded pretty much like websockets. I had run some examples using and I knew some other redhatters had used on RHMAP. So,

The dashboard… why not Angular 2+ (again cleaner and object oriented) plus Bootstrap 4? Maybe a bit bold here… Bootstrap 4 is still alpha… but I had used it before with no issues. So I took my chances.

Security, storage (for events, agenda, quiz, results, users, etc.), push notifications and running the APIs, all covered by RHMAP so I just had to care about the business logic of my apps.

Implementation details

The final assets generated as part of this experience can be summarized as follows.

  • 1 x Hybrid Client App (Ionic 2) code
  • 1 x Responsive DashBoard to show Quiz results live/historic code
  • 1 x Cloud App (featuring set up for the interactive Quiz) code
  • 1 x Authentication MBaaS Service code

Thanks to the project view in RHMAP we can gather together all these 4 components an see/manage them as a whole (as well as individually). Next picture will hopefully help to understand this.

Now let me explain some relevant details about them in the following chapters.

The Client App

To accelerate the development on RHMAP we usually start developing apps from a template, in this occasion the template had to be Ionic 2 based so I used this.

Beware that in order to use Ionic 2 you need Node.js 6. Please go here for an explanation about the minimum requirements

You might be wondering what’s added to the base Ionic 2 tab template. Well, let me explain the main differences below, but basically changes were as follows:

  1. Adding RHMAP SDK
  2. Adding a script to copy RHMAP configuration file to www
  3. Modifying .gitignore to version control www


Because we’ll need RHMAP SDK for Javascript, I installed fh-js-sdk package by executing npm install fh-js-sdk --save. So in the dependencies area of package.json you’ll see this entry "fh-js-sdk": "^2.18.4", as in:

   "dependencies": {
    "@angular/common": "2.4.8",
    "fh-js-sdk": "^2.18.4",

But… wait… is it possible to use RHMAP SDK within Typescript?
Indeed! You can even use proper typing!
To test this just open your favourite IDE (like atom or VS Code) and Ctrl+Space after the variable where you have imported RHMAP SDK. For instance in the following snippet the variable would be $fh.

import * as $fh from 'fh-js-sdk';
$fh. <== Ctrl+space

Next snippet is part of the App source code and shows how to use it.

import * as $fh from 'fh-js-sdk';
    (data) => {
    (msg, err) => {
      // An error occurred during the cloud call.
      console.log('Cloud call failed with error message:' + msg + '. Error properties:' + JSON.stringify(err));

Adding a script to copy RHMAP configuration file to www

Now, Ionic 2 rests on Angular 2 so Typescript needs to be compiled and www folder is generated… and assets copied if necessary. This is the case of our RHMAP configuration file fhconfig.json. To copy this file to the www folder we added a configuration script copy.custom.config.js in the folder ./scripts which is a copy of the original one but adding the following entry copyFHConfig

module.exports = {
  copyFHConfig: {
    src: ['{{SRC}}/fhconfig.json'],
    dest: '{{WWW}}'

In order to allow ionic cli execute our new script we modified package.json to include the following section.

  "config": {
    "ionic_copy": "./scripts/copy.custom.config.js"    

Modifying .gitignore to version control www

Even though www folder is self-generated and in general in an Ionic 2 project (and even more general in an Angular 2+ project) we shouldn’t add it to the git repo we’ll added to allow the App being compiled in RHMAP build farm.

So I modified our well known friend .gitignore to uncomment www as in the following excerpt.

#www/ <-- commented out

Relevant pieces of code

As an Ionic 2 app and because of the underlying angular 2+ base you find the code under the src folder.

I’m going to concentrate on three main elements: pages, components and services.


I have defined three different services under the folder src/services:

  • FHService; exposes all the logic to invoke the RHMAP Javascript SDK
  • SocketService; concentrates all the logic regarding to the interactive Quiz, start/stop quiz, receiving new questions, etc. It uses as the websockets library
  • StateService; concentrates the state of the App in a reactive kind of way

This services are instantiated from the main module src/app/app.module.ts so that as singletons are available and injectable to any page/component throughout the application.

It is worth noting that in general all the actions against the Cloud App (rest services and are triggered from the StateService so there is a dependency from StateService with FHService and SocketService and also from the SocketService to the FHService.

Maybe you’ll wonder 1st why there is a relationship between SocketService and FHService and 2nd how did I manage this relationships, well the SocketService relies on and this client needs the url where the serve side is running, this url can only be obtained easily from the FHService.

Hopefully the next piece of code should help understanding how, it corresponds to the services/socket.service.js. As you can see the SocketService constructor injects the FHService which has an Observable ‘ready’ exposed. This will trigger the init() method only once the FHService has been properly init.

constructor(private fhService: FHService) {

    this.fhService.ready.subscribe(ready => {
      if (ready) {
        if(this.init()) {

Once the FHService has been init the url of the Cloud App is accesible and as you can see below that url is used to init with io(this.url)

init () {
    this.url = this.fhService.getUrl();
    if (!this.url) {
      return false;
    this.socket = io(this.url);
    return true;

Finally FHService will update the ‘ready’ observable attribute one the SDK init event is received.

This is the relevant piece of code in the constructor of FHService. As you can see bellow we’re adding a listener just for once because the INIT_EVENT is emitted just once. The callback function updates the ‘ready’ observable that SocketServices observes to trigger its own init logic.

  constructor() {
    $fh.once(INIT_EVENT, (event) => {
      console.log('Service ready with url:', this.getUrl());;


This a tab based application and has 4 tabs defined at src/pages/tabs:

  • AgendaPage; shows the agenda of the selected event
  • QuizPage; obviously it’s where the quiz happens
  • ContactPage; only shows the Twitter hashtag designated for the selected event
  • QuizAdminPage; (only for administrators) contains buttons to start/stop the quiz and to jump to the next question, it’s some kind of quiz remote controller

Login page

This page is at src/pages/login, it’s worth noting that the login() method uses FHService to check credentials. See the next snippet based on the RHMAP Auth API:

login () {
    this.submitAttempt = true;
      this.fhService.auth(this.loginForm.value.username, this.loginForm.value.password)
      .then( (result) => {
        // Lets update the state of the app...
      .catch( (err) => {
        this.presentToast('User/Password wrong or not found');

As you can see above, after a successful login the root page will change from LoginPage to TabsPage.


The Dashboard App

The Dashboard App allows you to look for a specific event in a city on a date. The image below shows the app at work.

In this case I started from the scratch using angular cli ng, this time no template was used. I’d recommend you to follow this guide to get started with Angular 2+. There you’ll learn how to install angular cli ng which you’ll need later.

Again it’s worth noting what changes I had to apply to be able to run this web application in RHMAP.

This is the list of changes, details can be found on the next sections:

  1. Installing RHMAP JS SDK fh-js-sdk
  2. Adapting the web application to run on Express.js
  3. Modifying .angular-cli.json file to allow copying RHMAP configuration file to www
  4. Modify .gitignore to version control www

Installing RHMAP fh-js-sdk

Once the app was created with ng new <app-name> I added our RHMAP SDK fh-js-sdk by executing npm install fh-js-sdk --save

Adapting the web application to run on Express.js

Before explaining how I adapted my angular app to run on Express.js let me give a bit of context for those not very familiar with angular. Angular is a JS framework meant to run in a browser, while you develop and test this kind of apps you usually run the app in a local http server and you point your browser to this http server. Specifically in the case of angular 2+ you do this by running ng serve.

$ git clone
$ npm install
│   └── [email protected] 
├── [email protected] 
└── [email protected] 
$ ng serve
** NG Live Development Server is running on http://localhost:4200 **
Hash: 2e0531a8c67bba2e1191                                                               
Time: 11869ms
webpack: Compiled successfully. 

As you can see above when you run ng serve the angular cli compiles and starts an http server process serving the app. To use the app just point your browser here

This is perfect to develop, test, debug… but in order to deploy the app in RHMAP I needed to make a some of changes, namely:
* Install packages; express and corser
* Moving all the other packages from dependencies to devDependencies
* Add a new file, application.js to setup the Express.js to serve the files that make the angular app

RHMAP will run this application using plain node this means we have to 1st compile the Typescript source and 2nd adapt it to use Express.js. The idea is being able to start up the app using plain old node application.js as any other RHMAP web/cloud app.

Let’s see how application.js looks:

var express = require('express');
var corser = require("corser");

var app = express();

// The compiled version is located in /www so expose it
app.use(express.static(__dirname + '/www'));

app.options("*", function (req, res) {
  // CORS

// Used for App health checking
app.get('/sys/info/ping', function(req, res, next) {

var port = process.env.FH_PORT || process.env.OPENSHIFT_NODEJS_PORT || 8111;
var host = process.env.OPENSHIFT_NODEJS_IP || '';
var server = app.listen(port, host, function() {
  console.log("App started at: " + new Date() + " on port: " + port);
module.exports = server;

This file basically sets up and run an Express.js app exposing the files of our angular app, listening in port 8111 if run locally, and at the ports defined by environments variables FH_PORT or OPENSHIFT_NODEJS_PORT when run inside RHMAP. As the compiled code ends up in www we have to expose that folder as static files.

Modify .gitignore to version control www

We just explained why we need the application.js file and why we need to expose folder www as static contents using Express.js, what we haven’t explained is why we can’t ignore www in our git repository.

The reason is simple, as of today the highest version of Node.js we can use in RHMAP is 4.4.3 and in order to compile (or transpile?) we need 6.10.x, so instead of compiling in RHMAP as a previous step to actually deploying and running the code we have to compile locally and commit/push all, including the www folder.

The Cloud App

The Cloud App is the implementation of the API shared by the Client App and the Dashboard. It’s based on the default cloud app you get when you create a new Cloud App as in the next picture.

Obviously the default template is not enough, but it is a good starting point that always comes with the hello world Express.js route. In order to deal with the applications business objects I needed to create some Express.js routes.

  • /events; ./lib/events.js to manage events metadata, including the agenda
  • /answers; ./lib/answers.js to store and read quiz answers
  • /quizzes; ./lib/quizzes.js to store the quiz metadata that can be reused

Additionally I had to add some logic to handle quiz interactions and also to allow the clients request the current status of an ongoing quiz, we’ll call this status ‘Live Quiz’.

  • /live/quiz; ./lib/socket-server.js

Regarding the websockets piece of code at socket-server.js

There are some snippets worth noting. But before those, please have a look to the video bellow to have a clearer idea of how the app works.

As you can imagine the admin tab controls the quiz for the event selected and all the attendees see the current question at the same time.

Now it’s time to have a look to the snippets mentioned before.

  • For instance in application.js after the Express.js app.listen() invocation we init the our socket server module.

var socketServer = require('./lib/socket-server');
var server = app.listen(port, host, function() {
  console.log("App started at: " + new Date() + " on port: " + port); 

// Socket io server setup

  • Later inside ./lib/socket-server.js you’ll find the init() method where the library is setup based on the server Express.js object.

function init(server) {
    io = require('').listen(server);

  • Again inside init() at socket-server.js we find that every new socket joins to a shared room. This is made to allow sending messages to all the clients at the same time if needed.
    // join user to room
  • There are message handlers for START_QUIZ_MESSAGE, STOP_QUIZ_MESSAGE, NEXT_QUESTION_MESSAGE, sent from the quiz-admin tab at the Client App.

    // Add a new question
    socket.on(NEXT_QUESTION_MESSAGE, function(data) {
        ... Here code to set the next question as the current ...

    // Start quiz
    socket.on(START_QUIZ_MESSAGE, function(data) {
        ... Here code to create a new Live Quiz object ...

    // Stop quiz
    socket.on(STOP_QUIZ_MESSAGE, function(data) {
        ... Here code to delete the corresponding Live Quiz object ...
  • The next piece of code (at socket-server.js) is triggered whenever an event is selected in the Client App or a socket is reconnected in the Client App

    // Join quiz
    socket.on(JOIN_QUIZ_MESSAGE, function(data, ackFn) {
        console.log('JOIN_QUIZ_MESSAGE', data);
        var liveQuizId = data.liveQuizId;

        socket.join(liveQuizId, function(err) {
            if (!err) {
            } else {


The MBaaS Service for authentication

This is the simplest part of all, but before getting into the details of the service itself, let me introduce one of the features of RHMAP, authentication policies, and how they work.

From RHMAP documentation:

RHMAP supports the following Authentication providers:

  • OAuth: Specifically, OAuth2, this allows you to authenticate your users against OAuth providers such as Google.
  • LDAP: Both Active Directory and Open LDAP servers are supported, typically used for more ‘Enterprise’ type integrations.
  • FeedHenry: The RHMAP platform authentication mechanism.
  • MBAAS: Authenticating users via an mBaaS Service, which means you can use any authentication mechanisms.

In this particular case I wanted to show how easy it is to create a custom ‘MBAAS’ authentication provider that checks credentials (username/MD5(password)) against a MongoDB collection. So I created a new blank MBaaS Service as in the next picture.

Let me bring to your attention that an MBaaS Services is just a Node.js application shareable across all your projects that we usually refer to simply as a connector.

The code is really simple, just one Express.js route:

  • /auth; ./lib/auth.js

In the application.js file you’ll find this route.

app.use('/auth', require('./lib/auth.js')());

The code is pretty simple, it just looks for a record matching user and password.'/', function(req, res) {
    //Must pass a username & password
    var username = req.body.username || req.body.userId;
    var password = req.body.password;
    if (!username || !password) {
      return res.status(500).json({'status': 'error','message': 'You need to provide a username and password.'});

    checkCredentials(username, password)
    .then(function (result){
        console.log('username', username, 'authenticated')
    .catch(function (err) {
        console.log('username', username, 'not authenticated', 'err', err)


The method checkCrecentials() in its turn uses RHMAP database API to look for a record in a collection called ‘local-users’.

Once the MBaaS Service is ready to be used you have to define a new Auth Policy as in the next pictures.

Click on ‘create’

Setup your Auth Policy

  • Give your auth policy a name
  • Select MBaaS Service as type
  • Type in your authentication endpoint, which is /auth
  • Choose your default environment
  • Finally you can validate your auth policy live!

Some sample data to test the whole project

In order to make this project work you need to create some sample data in the built-in database.

Specifically, you should go to the Cloud App (so previously you should have imported this in your environment) and create the following collections:

  • events and create a new document using the advanced editor with the following data
  • quizzes and again create a document with this data
  • answers there’s no need to create any document here, attendees will insert new data as they answer the quiz

At the end you should get something like this.

Then go to your deployed Auth MBaaS Service (Redhatters Auth code) and create a collection called local-users and add users, here you have a couple of examples:



Faster than I expected

After a week (busy week) I was able to create a complete end-to-end mobile project comprising a mobile app, a dashboard, custom authentication and an interactive quiz game.

The easiest parts where those related to the database objects, RHMAP provides us with an easy to use API. Besides all the development of these database logic was developed locally first making it really easy to debug and test before deploying in RHMAP. Please have a look to this document to learn more about local development in RHMAP. works pretty well although it defaults to http polling when RHMAP is deployed on AWS

The real challenge here was to create the interactive quiz infrastructure, but I started with some advantage, as I said before other redhatters had already tested this for instance this and this so thanks to Corinne Krych!

After some preliminar tests I learned that client is smart and first tries wss:// and if it fails it defaults to HTTP polling but with very responsive feeling. The reason for this seems to be related to FW/LB configuration but I didn’t have a chance dig into it.

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