What it’s all about
This demo is supposed to show a lab-based version of a typical Internet of Things ( IoT )
setup. It follows a 3-Layered architecture of
- Edge: as created of data
- Controller: first level of data processing
- Datacenter: well, the datacenter …
These layers can – and in this demo will – be made out of a set of
Red Hat JBoss products, each taking over an important part in the IoT landscape
What has been implemented?
As for now, this demo includes:
- 1 edge device, which simulates a temperature sensor
- controller functionality to
- transformation of edge message to a XML format ( not yet needed )
- route message based on source to be able to apply different procedures
- complex event processing to filter messages
- datacenter functionality to
- apply business rules to decide if data is important and needs saving
- store selected data in a Postgresql database
- validate data agains business rules and create Human-Task based alert if required
- provide a graphical business dashboard to see data
Communication between edge and controller, as well as controller internal communication
is implemented via JMS messaging.
Edge Domain
For this demo, I implemented a simple dummy sensor, which can be used to create
data like from a temperature-sensor, pressure-sensor, etc.
As of now, it works with the following steps:
- start with an initial value ( 70 in this case )
- send data record via JMS to Controller
- alter data
- get random number between 1 and 1000
- if random number is <= 10 reduce data by 1
- if random number is >= 990 increase data by 1
- back to 2.
You can choose if the messages are supposed to be delivered as XML or CSV.
The controller does the following
- receive data record via JMS
- transform data from sensor-specific format to xml, if delivered as CSV
- route data based on sensor type
- use complex event processing ( CEP ) to filter messages. Currently we only have one rule, which deletes messages if the value is the same as in the previous message.
- send data record via JMS to datacenter
As for now, the datacenter is implemented with the following service,
each running in it’s own container
- receive messages from the controller
- store the received data in a database ( Postgresql )
- forward message to a monitor, who checks the data if an alert needs to be raised. This alert is implemented by starting business-process with a human task.
- provide graphical dashboard to see data
Runtime Environment
The entire functionality is divided into various services, each running in its
own Docker container.
For a detailed instruction on how to install and run the IoT-Demo, please checkout the documentation in my Github Repository
2 replies on “Internet of Things – A Red Hat JBoss Demo Setup”
Nice Summary and Interesting Stuff you can do with Middleware 🙂
[…] having done a pure Docker/JBoss based IoT Demo-Environment I felt like it was time to bring this demo to the next level, but what does that mean? For me it […]